The Dramatic Curve


The Dramatic Curve
The concept of the dramatic curve is derived from Greek drama and represents
how most stories first state their problem, develop tension through scenes
of increasing complication and intensity, then arrive at an apex or “crisis.” After
this comes change and resolution—though not, let me say quickly, necessarily a
happy or peaceful one. …

Once you understand the idea of the apex or crisis, the rest of the dramatic
convention arranges itself naturally in stages before and after the peak of the
curve to make the classic three-act structure. Three categories precede the climax,
and one follows.…

Variations of this apply to most narrative art, including documentary
films. The same principle also is useful in analyzing a single scene.
Rabifer, Michael
Directing the Documentary
Bibliographic Citation
Rabiger, Michael. 2004. Directing the Documentary. Fourth Edition. Focal Press. Figure 16-1, page 236.

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