POV Worlding


POV Worlding
(after Donna Haraway, ‘Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Femiism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective’ in Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3, Autumn 1988, pp. 575-599.)

1. This manifesto calls for a feminist theory of situated knowledges and a revision of what we mean by ‘objectivity’ (595)

2. Let’s return to the question of the relationship between vision and knowledge, or ways of seeing! Because we need to find the means to better understand patterns of objectification in the world, and how these rely heavily on visual metaphors and mediators.

3. The always-mediated visual possibilities of all manner of living being (dog, tick, human, fly, child) show us how the world is arranged in different ways, and demonstrates the powers of specificity and difference (583). In acknowledging these diverse, situated, differentiated points of view on a world, we need to be wary about how we make our knowledge claims…
Frichot, Hélène
2 October 2013
Revisualising Worlds: A Manifesto Against the Tyranny of Objectivity
Bibliographic Citation
Frichot, Hélène. 2013. Revisualising Worlds: A Manifesto Against the Tyranny of Objectivity.

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