The invisible, inner structure of Benjamin's Passagen-Werk


The invisible, inner structure of Benjamin's Passagen-Werk
Let us take a moment to develop this notion that Benjamin thought in coordinates. His unfolding of concepts in their “extremes” can be visualized as antithetical polarities o f axes that cross each other, revealing a “dialectical image” at the null point, with its contradictory “moments” as axial fields. … The axes of these coordinates can be designated with the familiar Hegelian polarities: consciousness and reality. If the termini are to be antithetical extremes, we might name those on the axis of reality, petrified nature/transitory nature, while in the case of consciousness, the termini would be dream/waking. At the null point where the coordinates intersect, we can place that “ dialectical image” which, by 1935, stood at the “mid point” of the project: the commodity. Each field of the coordinates can then be said to describe one aspect o  the physiognomic appearance of the commodity, showing its contradictory “faces”: fetish and fossil; wish image and ruin. In the positioning of the fields, those under the sign of transitoriness would need to be affirmed. [The Figure] represents this invisible, inner structure of the Passagen-Werk (Benjamin's Arcades Project). …Granted, too, that coordinates exhaust neither the concept of “dialectical images” nor Benjamin’s visual schemata for thinking. There is no reason to claim for the system of coordinates in [] anything more than the heuristic value which first prompted its construction, that is, that it makes coherent in one perceptual grasp the whole span o f the Passagen material assembled between 1927 and 1940.
Buck-Morss, Susan
The Dialectics of Seeing
Bibliographic Citation
Buck-Morss, Susan. 1989. The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project. The MIT Press. Display D. Pages 210-211.
is composed of
English Cross/axis
has attribute
English Solid Line
use feature
English Brace
depict things of type
English Typological or Classification

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