A machinic portrait of Kant


A machinic portrait of Kant
We could imagine a machinic portrait of Kant, illusions included (see schema).The components of the schema are as follows: 1) the "I think" :is an ox head wired for sound, which constantly repeats Self = Self; 2) the categories as universal concepts (four great headings): shafts that are extensive and retractile according to the movement of 3); 3) the moving wheel of the schemata; 4) the shallow stream of Time as form of interior­ity, in and out of which the wheel of the schemata plunges; 5) space as form of exteriority: the stream's banks and bed; 6) the passive self at the bottom of the stream and as junction of the two forms; 7) the principles of synthetic judgments that run across space-time; 8) the transcendental field of possible experience, immanent to the "I" (plane of imma­nence); and 9) the three Ideas or illusions of transcendence (circles turning on the absolute horizon: Soul, World and God).
Deleuze, Gilles
Guattari, Félix
What is Philosophy?
Bibliographic Citation
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. 1994. What Is Philosophy? Translated by Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell. Columbia University Press. Pages 56-57.
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. 1991. Qu'est-ce que la philosophic? Les Editions de Minuit.
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