Organon Model of Language


Organon Model of Language
The circle in the middle symbolizes the concrete acoustic phenomenon. Three variable factors in it go to give it the rank of a sign in three different manners. The sides of the inscribed triangle symbolize these three factors. In one way the triangle encloses less than the circle (thus illustrating the principle of abstractive relevance). In another way it goes beyond the circle to indicate that what is given to the senses always receives an apperceptive complement. The parallel lines symbolize the semantic functions of the (complex) language sign. It is a symbol by vir­ tue of its coordination to objects and states of affairs, a symptom (Anzeichen, indicium: index) by virtue of its dependence on the sender, whose inner states it expresses, and a signal by virtue of its appeal to the hearer, whose inner or outer behaviour it directs as do other communicative signs. … What, then, do the parallel lines of the organon model symbolize? … [A]t this place in the diagram, there is, to put it in terms of modern mathematics, a coordination of sound signs to objects and states of affairs.
Bühler, Karl
Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language
Bibliographic Citation
Bühler, Karl. 2011. Theory of Language: The representational Function of Language. Translated by Donald Fraser Goodwin, in collaboration with Achim Eschbach. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Figure 3. Pages 34-36.
Bühler, Karl. 1934. Sprachtheorie. Gustav Fischer Verlag.
is composed of
English Triangle
English Circle
has attribute
English Dash Line
English Solid Line
depict things of type
English Structural or Hierarchical
English Conceptual

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